Cycles of Healing


Since 2019, our practice has been exploring, naming, and creating what we want to be possible for ourselves and for our practice to be able to share with you. 

We decided to name this process - Cycles of Healing

If you are a part of our Facebook and/or Instagram community, we have been creating content related to the Cycles of Healing as we have been exploring and naming it. We have learned there is no one way to head and are ready to explore, name and create possibilities with you.

Stillpoint Healing Greenwood, Indiana

We are passionate about working with you to explore, name and create what you want to be possible.


Lisa Larson, owner of the Pacific Trauma Center, a colleague and therapist; first posed this question in her work on Expansion - a form of Brainspotting. In all things, we want you to explore, name and create what you want to be possible. For yourself, your relationships, in your career, in your community, within your life… 

To join the Cycles of Healing means infinite possibilities. 


You could call this imagery a model for healing, within Cycles of Healing, we identify what we want or believe to be possible or identify what we believe to be possible. There are cycles to Pause, Plant, Process, Pivot or Practice. We are not prescribing to this order indefinitely, we invite flexibility to identify what parts are important and how these cycles connect with you. We want to offer opportunities for you to explore, name and create possibilities and join us in working towards what you desire.

Stillpoint Healing Greenwood, Indiana

A stop or rest. Victor Frankl describes this type of pause, “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” 

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Stillpoint Healing Greenwood, Indiana

To put or set in the ground to grow ( This part of the cycle offers an opportunity to ground yourself from within before making any actionable step. It is both a noun and a verb. To cultivate and to ground.

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Stillpoint Healing Greenwood, Indiana

To grieve what is or has been lost and to identify and experience the hope for the future. We have broken up this content into 2 pages: the concentration on the loss we have experienced and the ability to transform through loss with hope for the future.

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Stillpoint Healing Greenwood, Indiana

 The intentional or required shift. Josh has described its power best - “Pivoting can provide a moment of clarity and foresight into what direction we wish to move”.

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Stillpoint Healing Greenwood, Indiana

Also a noun and a verb like Planting. The act of practicing like you would a skill, and the art of refining a practice like baking bread. The identification of a practice as something to be continued, a “best practice” or something to be honed.

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Stillpoint Healing