December Lessons

Author: Jenna Corcoran, LMFT l Stillpoint Healing l Greenwood, Indiana

I read on social media that someone considered December the month of DEClutter - where you are taking stock of what you have accumulated and choosing what will accompany you into 2024 plan for the new year. For close to a decade I have taken part in Susannah Conway’s “Unravel Your Year” - FREE workbook. The first part of the workbook is set up to help you process the year behind you as you prepare for the year ahead.

Each year Susannah has you choose a word or set of words to guide your goal setting. The word I chose for 2023 was baby. And it was an enormously magnificent year for me as I reflected back on it in December. I birthed a precious baby boy - Cooper Wayne. For over 6 years we worked and waited for this little miracle and he was born in April. Even though we have worked and prepared for this miracle, it was the biggest internal and external shift I have ever experienced. Nothing prepared me for it. These shifts have left me with a desire to be more open and honest to share my experiences in hopes of connecting to other mothers. So here it goes…

Lesson 1: No matter how much I prepared, how ready I felt, how much I prayed and begged for this miracle, nor how thankful and happy I am that I have him. I am grieving.

Lesson 2: I am not the same person I was before pregnancy. This hits me every day, multiple times a day.

Lesson 3: I am re-learning how to take care of myself and experiencing daily how that competes with the roles I fulfill for others.

These lessons have brought much needed awareness and I look forward to sharing how I plan to use them in 2024. Stay tuned…

About Jenna Corcoran, LMFT

Therapist at Stillpoint Healing

My goal at Stillpoint is to use all I have culminated in my 10+ years of diverse experiences in the professional and volunteer world to support you and your family. Along with the targeted trainings and continuing education necessary to support the unique needs of you and your family, I will be a part of the healing journey with you.


Stillpoint Healing Greenwood Indiana