Abbey Parker, LMHC

Image of Abbey Parker, LMHC

Therapist & Coach

My Practice

I am a Staff Therapist and Executive Director of Stillpoint. I love practicing as a psychotherapist helping women, men, relationships and families.

I am committed to the therapeutic process to help individuals and relationships engage, resolve and reinvent life’s challenges. You can expect that I will engage with you and your family in a process that offers opportunity and healing.

I grew up in Indiana and attended Hanover College and then completed my Master's Degree in Community Counseling through Xavier University in 2009.

I specialize in trauma, developmental concerns, relationship engagement, and family transition. I possess vast knowledge of the mental health community in Indianapolis since working in urgent psychiatric care, community mental health and private practice.

I am a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional and am trained in Brainspotting, a brain and body relational psychotherapy. It uses feelings in the body to process complex trauma that is stored in the non-verbal part of the brain, allowing clients to live more freely without the weight of past trauma.

It would be an honor to have the privilege of supporting you through the therapeutic process. I hold hope for people to heal and I’ve witnessed it happening. I invite you to take some time and get to know me a little better. 

Stillpoint Healing Greenwood Indiana

My Story

To the people I am honored to work with:

When I meet you in therapy I consider it a sacred space and you, a unique individual, that has gifted me the opportunity to know you. I want you to feel that you can be safe, accepted and are enough. Which to me means that you are not alone and you can be seen for who you are. And beyond your choices and conditioning as a person, you can be heard and listened to and given the opportunity to experience connection.

In therapy, I support you and your relationships to become aware of the possibilities your life has to thrive so you can cultivate what you desire - love, joy, purpose, gratitude, a sense of self, the experience of connection, open awareness, conscious thought, trust, compassion, empathy, passion, inspiration, creativity, or peace, to name a few. But when I first meet with you I understand that you may not believe any of these are possible for you because of what has weighed you down or what you anticipate weighing heavily on you in the future.

Sometimes there is a need to process through limitations that you or others have imposed, the adaptations you had to create and the wounds that have resulted. And what we can discover together are the constructs that need to be reworked, released, or reinvented. The limitations are no longer necessary and keep you from thriving in your life. I want to create an experience where hospitality, a shared space of giving, is offered so you can be freely yourself, heal wholeheartedly, and create the life you desire.

And as we start working together, experiencing connection about your life, I have the privilege of witnessing you process relief, learning, forgiveness, opportunity, growth, awareness, intention, strength, courage, integrity, and my favorite, curiosity. You might hear yourself saying, “this is not possible for me, I’ll never have any of that, I don’t deserve that” and what I can share is that I hold hope for people to heal and I’ve witnessed it happening.

I commit to stay open and consistent

Even when you feel so stuck you don’t think you can take another breath.

I commit to presence and a calm steadiness

Even when in your grief or struggle you feel like giving up.

I commit to encouragement

Even when the deepest of wounds become unearthed, releasing tears of forgiveness.

I commit to creativity

Offering you an awareness of your unique self that blankets you in compassion.

I commit to awareness

Offering opportunity when you are ready to take it.

I commit to curiosity

Offering you to know your freedom of manifesting your life.

I commit to presence

Offering you space to validate an experience of connection.

To those getting to know me:

As many of you, I am different roles on any given day (mother, chauffeur, cook, cleaner, organizer, mom, mommy, mama, wife, daughter, sister, friend, business owner, learner, finance specialist, advocate, encourager, collaborator, planner, strategizer, therapist, crisis responder, etc.) and besides being a part of my family, one of my favorite roles is being a therapist.

If you can tell anything from that opening statement I put thought into what I do or who I am...and sometimes too much. So, if you want to know the different professional roles I play you can find them here on LinkedIn. If you are here for the good stuff - read on.

I find there are cycles in life that create an ebb and flow to what I choose to do, what I study, and how I engage in my relationships. I went from growing up in rural westside Indianapolis to traveling overseas for choir, back to rural Indiana (Hanover College) to study chemistry, theology and my future husband, Kevin. Then to Italy for a spiritual adventure, to city life in Cincinnati for my Masters in Community Counseling, then back to rural Indiana to “settle” into adult married life - then to move to the hustle and bustle of Fountain Square where I would wait to have my little boy (who is now almost 4) and now to be moving back to rural eastside Indianapolis to continue life in Indiana’s cornfields with probably more excitement and heartbreak to come. Through this journey of ebb and flow, I meet people who have forever impacted who I am.

Looking back I can remember the day that I became interested in working with trauma - a friend was sexually assaulted and I didn’t know how to best help and I floundered to support that person. I wanted to know how to help and I started the search for those answers. It would be several years later that I would take the next steps to become a licensed counselor and in that journey, I became captivated by people’s choices, my own reactions to situations, how dynamics played out in groups and systems, what created survival instead of collapse - pretty much anything that had to do with the human condition.

And while I was still a counselor in the making - I met Beth who is now my business partner, fellow therapist and friend. It was 2009 when she was working at Methodist Hospital and I was desperately looking for an internship. She felt the potential of our connection and had no clue where it was going to take her - she didn’t even look at my resume and only asked me questions about my training out of curiosity, not looking for merit. And right then she committed to raising me as a therapist if I was up for the challenge. As any interesting match goes - we are opposite in several ways; possibly like a hawk (Beth) meeting a field mouse (Abbey). The creative process ensued and five years later Stillpoint Consultants was birthed as a sacred space so people can heal by engaging, resolving and reinventing life’s possibilities. I am thankful to Beth that in the busyness of her life she was present to possibility and created an opening of curiosity for me. It was similar when meeting Jenna and Josh - I believe we are meant to help each other become better therapists and cultivate a spirit of hope so when given the opportunity - you can choose to heal.

Training and Credentials

So You Can Heal Podcast

I am also a host for Stillpoint’s podcast - So You Can Heal. Click Here to learn more about this resource and how you can listen!


I am trained in phases 1 and 2 of Brainspotting, a brain and body relational psychotherapy. It uses feelings in the body to process complex trauma that is stored in the non-verbal part of the brain, allowing clients to live more freely without the weight of past trauma.

Imago Relationship Therapy

I have completed the Imago Clinical Training in Imago Relationship Therapy.

Disability Legal Services of Indiana, Board of Directors

Currently, I am serving as the President of the Board of Directors for the Disability Legal Services of Indiana.

Abbey's Blogs

Part 2: Breaking Free From Fear

Giving ourselves space to be aware allows us to start trusting that there is a different story to more

Part 1: Alert! I’m In a Fear Story

If I live in fear I may never know what it’s like to feel more

Wound Up

Fear is what fuels the winding up, like a vigorous cranking of a rope that is tightened, waiting or anticipating a more

Bubble Gum Boundaries

Here is how I move through difficult, stuck feelings when I am struggling with a more

More Blogs